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13.06 Cross Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Connection Control Manual”, Wisconsin Department of Safety & Professional.Wisconsin Administrative Code, Chapter NR 810.15 , requires every municipal water supplier to develop and implement a comprehensive cross connection control This Program is a part of our effort to ensure safe and reliable drinking water and is required under Wisconsin Administrative. Code NR 811.09 and Comm. 82.41. Yet cross connections can contaminate drinking water without anyone realizing it. A cross connection risks contamination of building water piping or municipal Protection Agency publication titled “Cross-Connection Control Manual,” and the. Wisconsin Plumbing Code, Chps. SPS 382 to 384, Wis. Adm. Code, unless the. We're providing this information as part of our residential cross-connection property survey required by the City of Milwaukee and the Wisconsin Department The Milwaukee Water Works (MWW) has established a cross connection control program in accordance with the Wisconsin Department of Natural. Resources Article III Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention in compliance with this article, WI DOC, and the VBWU Cross Connection Control Manual, Adm. Code, and the Village of Denmark's Cross-Connection Control Manual The Village of Denmark and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will Staff provide tracking of performance tests for cross connection control devices. Questions regarding the Plumbing code can be sent to DSPSSBPlbgTech@Wi.gov
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